Losing weight: Ten bad diet mistakes and how to avoid them

Just eat less and already the kilos tumble? Unfortunately, that does not always work. This is often due to habits that destroy our customer success. WeightLossDietForYou.com shows you ten nasty diet mistakes - plus strategies for how to handle them.

In spite of sports and diet, there is not much on the scales - many people who want to lose weight know the problem and know that it is not so easy to get rid of a few pounds.

But what are the reasons? What are we doing wrong? The following Top Ten shows the most common dietary mistakes - and how we can easily handle them.

1. You do not get far with extremes

Some rely on more or less radical measures, such as crash diets, fasting diets or abstaining from dinner to lose weight.

But extremes will not get you where you want to go: As soon as you try to lose a lot of weight fast, you put your body in a state of alert - and it sticks to its reserves.

If he gets more food after the diet, he starts to put in more reserves to prepare himself for the next hunger journey: the classic yo-yo effect.

2. Give up too fast

Instead of radical measures, you should therefore switch your diet over the long term. This means being patient and staying where the scale is still for a long time.

So that the fat deposits can melt, the metabolism must first adapt to the new situation.

Weight stagnation is normal. The period is individually different, but usually it does not take longer than a maximum of four weeks.

3. Measure the success of weight

Another reason for a stagnation of weight may be the simultaneous reduction of fat and build muscle mass. A success of the diet is not always recognizable by the scale.

Instead, waist and hip measurements could be legible, so you should periodically measure your body circumference to see if you're getting closer to your goal.

Even a direct photo comparison before and during your diet helps you to visualize small achievements.

4. Too high expectations

Do not expect miracles! Those who refrain from crash diets and change their diet to avoid the yo-yo effect slows down.

Realistic and healthy is half a kilo per week. You can do that by sweeping about 500 kilocalories a day from the menu.

5. Do not eat enough

Too little to eat is another typical dietary error. Because those who always suffer from hunger, get more food cravings.

Instead, you should plan for three to five small meals throughout the day and satisfy your hunger with low-calorie foods that will fill you for a long time with fiber and protein.

These include, for example, all vegetables, legumes such as chickpeas or lentils, nuts, and fish.

6. Break between the snacks

However, too many snacks are also counterproductive because they prevent the burning of fat from getting going.

Always make sure to take longer dinners of at least two to three hours. 

7. Too many light products

On average, light products have about 30 percent fewer calories than the original. However, they are therefore not healthier. Instead of fat, light products often contain artificial aromas, sugars and sweeteners.

The diet is therefore no healthier, just because you replace the original products by the lighter version. There is a risk that you eat more - because the products are so "light".

So do not go for diet products. Instead, you should increasingly resort to natural, unprocessed foods as part of a diet change.

8. Also eat carbohydrates in the evening

Many weight loss volunteers do without carbohydrates in the evening to boost their fat burning. In theory, that makes sense. However, a waiver also entails risks.

Thus, a complete renunciation of carbohydrates can mess up the metabolism.

A recommendation from nutrition experts says that you can do without carbs three times a week in the evening. However, 50 percent of the diet should continue to consist of carbohydrates - and best in the form of starchy vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

9. Do not sleep enough

Another aspect that can make you lose weight as you lose weight is sleep. People who are tired and do not sleep enough often eat much more.

For this reason, you should always pay attention to a sufficient sleep. It should be seven to eight hours a day to keep the stress level low.

10. Not enough exercise

To lose weight, it is not enough to eat less. If you want to be leaner in the long term, you also need to exercise regularly. For a renunciation of sports slows the metabolism.

Thus, the pounds can not tumble as desired. At least three times a week you should at least start to sweat, preferably in endurance and weight training alternately.

*The result may be different in each individual case.

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