As is known, kefir is one of the healthiest dairy products. It is rich in minerals and vitamins, calms the nervous system, and improves condition of skin, nails and hair. On top of that, kefir is a dietary low-carb product, which is used in various diets and helps lose weight.
If you are looking for a kefir diet, you will find dozens of its variations. To choose the most effective one, you should know the main principles of combining kefir with other products. The thing is there are some products you should exclude when keeping a kefir diet. You should make such a menu, which will allow you to take full advantage of kefir useful properties, to clear the body of chemical waste, to slim your figure, and to improve your health.
Here you will find several kefir diets that will make you slimmer and cause no harm to your body.
Kefir mono-diet is a simple and effective diet. Prefix “mono” implies that your daily ration should include nothing but kefir. It is recommended to drink about 1,5 litres of kefir daily during three days. Keep in mind that the intervals between kefir intakes should be the same. During this mono-diet you can lose up to 4- 5 kg.
During kefir-fruit diet you should drink up about 1,5-2 litres of kefir per day and eat fruit (or vegetables). This diet may last for a week and you can lose 6-7 kg during this period. Fruit will allow your body to get more nutrients and kefir will normalize your digestive system. However, there are some fruit and vegetables that should not be combined with kefir, such as bananas, grapes, cucumbers, and mushrooms. One of the most effective variations is kefir-apple diet. During this diet you should eat about 1,5 kg of apples or drink about 1,5 litres of kefir daily. It is also allowed to drink soda water and green tea. The diet may last for as long as 9 days.
21-day kefir diet will help you lose up to 10 kg. With this diet you can avoid problems with metabolism, because you will lose weight gradually. Here are the main principles and rules of 21-day diet:
If the period of 21 days seems too long for you, you can take advantage of shorter 7-day kefir diet. During this period you will lose up to 5 kilos. In addition, this diet will improve your well-being and flush your body. The main rules of this diet are: 1) you should drink 10 glasses of water daily and 2) drink 0,5 litres of kefir each day (1 glass in the morning on an empty stomach and 1 glass of kefir before bedtime). Note that alcohol is strictly forbidden. You are also allowed to eat some other foods. Here is the diet plan:
I believe that this post will help you to choose a kefir diet that suits you. I wish you the best of luck with your diet!
Orange diet is one of the most efficient and popular diets for weight loss. It will take you only two or three weeks to see the results
Grape detox diet will remove poisons and toxins from your body. Try grape diet and you will lose weight in a healthy and reasonable way.
Apple diet involves consuming apples with some other products (kefir, honey, proteins, vegetables). It is an excellent way to lose weight and cleanse your body.
Cabbage diet is designed to achieve quick weight loss results. Learn how cabbage can help you with healthy weight loss.
Buckwheat diet is one of the most fashionable diets nowadays, but, at the same time, one of the most difficult. There are also several combined buckwheat diets, which are easier to keep.